Title: Alcohol Use Disorder
Presenter(s): Dr. Laura Evans
Date: March 8, 2020
PEARL: Canada's low-risk alcohol drinking guidelines:
Women: no more than 3 standard drinks/sitting
Men: no more than 4 standard drinks/sitting
Standard drink: beer (5% alcohol): 341 mL = 12 oz; wine (12% alcohol): 142 mL = 5 oz; fortified wine (16-18% alcohol): 85 mL = 3 oz; hard liquor (40% alcohol): 43 mL = 1.5 oz
PEARL: 5As Model for Delivering Alcohol Use Brief Intervention
Can reduce EtOH intake, sustained up to 1 year
PEARL: First-line pharmacotherapies
Goal Abstinence: naltrexone, acamprosate
Goal Reduced Drinking: naltrexone (can be initiated while still drinking)
CI to Ntx: opioid use, liver failure or acute hepatitis
CI to Acamprosate: severe renal impairment, breast feeding
Coverage: Ntx (covered) > Acamp (special authorization)
Ok to start Ntx if still drinking
Acamp safe to start if drinking, but likely < effective
PEARL: Alcohol use disorder medications:
Thiamine: usually low in chronic EtOH use, important for brain function, take thiamine for at least 3 mo
Folic acid: for thiamine absorption
Multivitamin: good measure
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