Title: Capacity Assessment
Presenter(s): Dr. Lesley Charles
Date: March 7, 2020
PEARL: Relevant Legislative Acts in Alberta
Personal Directives Act
Personal Directive: name an agent to make [non-financial] decisions for them
Powers of Attorney Act
Enduring Power of Attorney: name a trusted person to make financial decisions
Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act (AGTA)
Granting powers of surrogate decision making
Continuum of decision-making
Designed to provide as much autonomy as possible
PEARL: Cognitive assessment does not necessarily determine capacity
Cognitive test: usually for memory (dementia)
Capacity involves ability to understand info and appreciate consequences of decision
PEARL: Complex situation unlikely to benefit from capacity assessment
DISCLAIMER: This post contains my interpretation of the presentation. This post is not intended as medical advice. If you have medical concerns, contact a health care provider for assessment. If there are any copyright concerns, please contact me directly to remove the relevant material.