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Writer's pictureDr. Chris Le

Dr. Chris' Compilation 04 │ Reflections

I decided to change the name from "Museletter" to "Compilation" - mostly for the alliteration.

"A rule of life is like an anchor under a ship. You really should only feel it when you start to drift from where you want and need to be." (Tyler Staton)

[After I stopped reading the news] - an expansiveness came into my life that I was able to fill with nurturing things.

The best things in life are reserved for people who help other people succeed.

People want gladiatorial games, and we don't have gladiatorial games so they use the front page.

Rather than respond to our mouthed pieties, the industry caters to our actions, working very hard to provide a few key values that we select at the checkout counter again and again: convenience, low price and choice. And by choice, I mean something very particular — food options that allow us to express meaning.

Rao was doing what the Chinese have called ‘bàofùxìng áoyè’ – or ‘revenge bedtime procrastination’. The phrase, which could also be translated as ‘retaliatory staying up late’, spread rapidly on Twitter in June after a post by journalist Daphne K Lee. She described the phenomenon as when “people who don’t have much control over their daytime life refuse to sleep early in order to regain some sense of freedom during late-night hours”.

We hear a lot about self-esteem, but Ferrari said social esteem is as important. “People are very, very concerned about how others feel about them.” There’s a tendency to think: “I’d rather people think I lacked effort than lacked ability.”


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