Title: Metacognition and Avoiding Clinical Errors in Medical Decision-Making
Presenter(s): Dr. Vu Kiet Tran
Date: March 7, 2020
PEARL: Front-line medicine
Primarily a cognitive profession, subject to cognitive biases that lead to errors
PEARL: Diagnosis and Treatment are Probabilistic and Not Absolute.
There is no certainty, only progressively more convincing evidence.
PEARL: Anchoring (Diagnosis Momentum)
The greatest barrier to the proper diagnosis is a prior diagnosis
PEARL: Risk factors for cognitive errors
Cognitive overload
High decision density
Interruptions and distractions
Sleep deprivation
Emotional perturbations (affective state)
PEARL: A wise person learns from other’s mistakes
DISCLAIMER: This post contains my interpretation of the presentation. This post is not intended as medical advice. If you have medical concerns, contact a health care provider for assessment. If there are any copyright concerns, please contact me directly to remove the relevant material.